- 259 golf clubs including the oldest identifiable golf club in the word, ca. 1870 by Simon Cossar.
- More than 1,000 volumes that include the oldest book in the world with any reference to golf, printed in 1566.
- The oldest golf ball in the world from 1790. We have over 160 balls dating from 1790 to 1932.
- 85 long-nosed, wooden golf clubs. These are some of the earliest examples and date from the 19th century.
- Two golf medals from 1826 and 1838.
- A complete set of golf clubs including golf bag once owned by Harry Vardon.
- Three clubs used by Bobby Jones in his championship years, including the 1930 Grand Slam.
- A putter used by Horace Rawlins when he won the first U.S. Open in 1895.